青い空 白い雲シリーズ (2014、春 ~ ) ☞ 




「青い空 白い雲」から始まったシリーズは、その後「空の層」、「灰色の空の上に青い空」、



Blue Sky, White Clouds series (since Spring, 2014) ☞ 

At some moments, we look upon the sky, and there we smile to find a gentle calming sky.

Or, just be astonished to see strong winds quickly blowing away clouds. 

Moment to moment, season to season, sky shows us different faces, every face so beautiful.

"Blue Sky, White Clouds" was the first, and then I was inspired to make some more.  

"Layers of Sky", "Blue Sky, Above Gray Sky", "Where the Clouds Are Born", etc. are also added

and have widen the series.